Essential oils


I have been a big fan of essential oils all my life. My very first experience was over 30 years ago after I delivered my first child. The midwife added essential lavender oil to my bath and I became an instant fan.

So I thought to share some of my learning of essential oils, including what they are, how they're used and their benefits. I will also cover safety tips and recommendations for where to purchase essential oils.

I love learning more and more about their uses and benefits, as well as making the infusions, tinctures and blended oils in the campo.

Essential Oils: Benefits, Uses and Safety Precaution

So What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are concentrated extracts from plants that capture their natural fragrance and flavour. They are usually obtained through steam distillation or cold pressing, and each essential oil has unique properties and benefits.

How are Essential Oils Used?

Essential oils can be used for aromatherapy, massage, skincare, and cleaning. They can also be added to a diffuser, bath, or used topically (when diluted with a carrier such as almond or coconut oil).

My favourite way to use the flora and fauna that grows plentifully around me in the campo is by steeping plants in oils. Last summer I wrote about my favourite oils, and how to use some of them too in my Nature’s Answers blog post. It deserves to be an annual event as they are so very useful. Recently I started my mini-blog on The Campo Bounty - little weekly snippets of the most common finds that are useful and/or edible to us.

All visiting guests get treated to my ever-growing stash of essential oils and infused oils. From sunscreen to bite treatments - I have an oil for nearly every purpose in the cupboard.

Top Essential Oils and Their Benefits

Common uses for lavender essential oil include:

  1. Relaxation and stress relief: Lavender oil is known for its calming properties and can be used to help promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.

  2. Sleep aid: A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow can help you fall asleep faster and promote a better quality of sleep.

  3. Skincare: Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it useful for treating a variety of skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

  4. Pain relief: Lavender oil can be used topically to help relieve pain from headaches, sore muscles, and other types of discomfort.

  5. Bug repellent: Lavender oil can be used as a natural insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and other biting insects.

  6. Air freshener: Lavender oil has a pleasant, floral scent and can be used to freshen up the air in your home or car.Peppermint: for headaches and digestion.

How to Use Essential Lavender Oil for Aromatherapy

Tea Tree Oil:

  1. Acne treatment: Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that can help treat acne by reducing inflammation and killing the bacteria that cause breakouts.

  2. Athlete's foot treatment: Tea tree oil can be used topically to help treat athlete's foot by killing the fungus that causes the condition.

  3. Dandruff treatment: Tea tree oil can be added to shampoo to help treat dandruff by reducing the yeast that can contribute to the condition.

  4. Household cleaner: Tea tree oil can be added to homemade cleaning solutions to help kill bacteria and mold.

  5. Natural deodorant: Tea tree oil can be added to a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and applied to the underarms as a natural deodorant.

  6. Insect repellent: Tea tree oil can be added to a carrier oil and applied to the skin as a natural insect repellent.

  7. Cold sore treatment: Tea tree oil can be applied topically to help treat cold sores by reducing inflammation and fighting the virus that causes the sores.

  8. Oral health: Tea tree oil can be added to toothpaste or mouthwash to help kill bacteria in the mouth and improve oral health.

Tea Tree oil for skincare and cleaning


  1. Respiratory health: Eucalyptus oil can help relieve congestion and promote easier breathing, making it a popular choice for use during colds and flu.

  2. Pain relief: Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it useful for reducing pain and soreness in muscles and joints.

  3. Skincare: Eucalyptus oil can be used topically to help treat a variety of skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and insect bites.

  4. Insect repellent: Eucalyptus oil can be used as a natural insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and other biting insects.

  5. Room freshener: Eucalyptus oil has a fresh, invigorating scent and can be used to freshen up the air in your home or car.

  6. Hair care: Eucalyptus oil can be added to shampoo to help promote healthy hair and a healthy scalp.

  7. Dental health: Eucalyptus oil can be added to toothpaste or mouthwash to help kill bacteria in the mouth and improve oral health.

Eucalyptus oil: for respiratory issues and muscle pain


  1. Cleaning: Lemon oil is a natural disinfectant and can be added to homemade cleaning solutions to help kill germs and bacteria.

  2. Mood booster: Lemon oil has a fresh, citrusy scent that can help uplift your mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

  3. Skin care: Lemon oil can be used topically to help treat acne, brighten dull skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  4. Digestive health: Lemon oil can help stimulate digestion and support healthy digestion by increasing the production of digestive juices.

  5. Respiratory health: Lemon oil can help relieve congestion and promote easier breathing, making it a popular choice for use during colds and flu.

  6. Hair care: Lemon oil can be added to shampoo to help promote healthy hair and a healthy scalp.

  7. Natural insect repellent: Lemon oil can be used as a natural insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Lemon essential oil: for energy and cleaning


  1. Bergamot oil has a citrusy, floral scent that can help uplift your mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

  2. Skincare: Bergamot oil can be used topically to help treat acne, oily skin, and eczema.

  3. Digestive health: Bergamot oil can help stimulate digestion and support healthy digestion by increasing the production of digestive juices.

  4. Respiratory health: Bergamot oil can help relieve congestion and promote easier breathing, making it a popular choice for use during colds and flu.

  5. Oral health: Bergamot oil can be added to toothpaste or mouthwash to help kill bacteria in the mouth and improve oral health.

  6. Natural insect repellent: Bergamot oil can be used as a natural insect repellent, particularly against mosquitoes and other biting insects.

  7. Hair care: Bergamot oil can be added to shampoo to help promote healthy hair and a healthy scalp.

Bergamot essential oil: for anxiety and stress

Essential oils can also be combined. My current mixture in my little spray bottle is Lavender, Bergamot, Marjoram and Yarrow. This time I have diluted them with water as I am using it to mist over my shoulders to relieve some pain after doing a little too much gardening recently. Any oils diluted with water need to be well shaken before each application.

Safety Precautions

Essential oils are potent and should be used with care. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Always dilute essential oils before applying them to the skin. Do not underestimate how powerful these oils can be.

Never ingest essential oils. Some online resources promote this. My own research says that without the assistance of a well-trained professional, I will not be ingesting any essential oils!

Do a patch test before using a new essential oil. I always dilute a new oil 1:10 in a carrier oil to test for any reaction.

Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets. Some oils can be dangerous for pets to inhale despite being safe for us.

When adding to a bath or foot soak, ensure the oils are well dispersed. Some oils can sit on top of the water until agitated.

Where to Buy Essential Oils

Essential oils can be purchased at health food stores, online retailers, and speciality shops. Look for pure, high-quality essential oils. Lesser grade oils can be cheaper but contain other ingredients that can be less than favourable.

Essential oils retain their properties longer when stored in a dark environment.

Essential oil combination to make a pain relieving spray


Essential oils can provide a wide range of benefits, from relaxation to skincare. However, it's important to use them safely and responsibly. By following the tips and recommendations in this post, you can start enjoying the benefits of essential oils today.

Which is your favourite essential oil?


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